Recently, a local resident visiting the Malibu Farmer’s Market stumbled across this homeless encampment literally within feet of the market.
Startled and unaware that this encampment has been there for years, and the City has neglected to do anything about it, the resident took photos and documented her experience forwarding the information to The Local and one of our Planning Commissioners:
“I was at the farmers market yesterday. It was packed with families and children. I looked up towards the County buildings and there was a man urinating all over the side of the County building. The photo that you see with the stain on the side of the building is urine. I walked up to see what was going on and couldn’t believe the filth of trash and encampment that is there.
They also had a hot barbecue that they were using!
Why are these people allowed to live there, urinating and defecating in public especially after the terrible fire?
Can we have a no loitering law?
Any progress with the county?”
Kian Schulman, Corral Canyon resident and founder of Poison Free Malibu
While the buildings may be the jurisdiction of the County, the serious public safety violations are occurring within City limits allowing the City Manager to enlist the help of Lost Hills Sheriffs Department to clean up the encampment. However, despite numerous complaints, City manager Reva Feldman has refused to do so.
Instead, after a town hall meeting to deal with the “delicate and sensitive” issue of the homeless held in early 2017, attended by close to 300 residents demanding action by the City, a year later the only real effort made by officials is to distribute another homeless survey. More paper pushing by the City of Malibu instead action.
Meanwhile, residents are subjected to very real health and safety hazards which include an increase in crime and potential exposure to life threatening diseases brought her by these individuals who are defecating and urinating in our public spaces.
When is enough enough?

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