
Damage Control Part 3: Justice Delayed

The following article “JUSTICE DELAYED” is number THREE in a series of real-life experiences taken from the manuscript of retired Deputy Dale Hedges, titled, “Damage Control,” which documents his time with the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. In this article,

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“Damage Control” Part 4: Justice Denied

The following article, JUSTICE DENIED, is number FOUR in a series of real-life experiences taken from the manuscript of retired Deputy Dale Hedges, titled, “Damage Control,” which documents his time with the


Damage Control Part 3: Justice Delayed

The following article “JUSTICE DELAYED” is number THREE in a series of real-life experiences taken from the manuscript of retired Deputy Dale Hedges, titled, “Damage Control,” which documents his time with the


Damage Control Part 2: The Poser

The following article “THE POSER” is number TWO in a series of real-life experiences taken from the manuscript of retired Deputy Dale Hedges, titled, “Damage Control,” which documents his time with the


Damage Control Part One: The Imposter

The following article is #1 in a series of real-life experiences taken from the manuscript of retired LASD Deputy Dale Hedges, titled, “Damage Control,” which documents his time with the Los Angeles

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