A total of eight L.a. County cities have passed “No Confidence” resolutions regarding D.A. George Gascon’s directives and criminal justice reform efforts.
Gascon’s most recent jaw-dropping pro-criminal efforts included filing a brief in Appellate Court in support of the defendant after the judge refused to dismiss firearms enhancements and allegations.
On May 6th, 2021, the District Attorney’s office, at the direction of D.A. Gascon dropped its bid for the death penalty against a Lancaster woman, Heather Maxine Barron and her boyfriend, Kareem Ernesto Leiva, who are charged with murder and torture in connection with her 10-year-old son’s death. “This is not based upon new evidence. This is not based upon new mitigation or new law. I stand by the special-circumstances committee decision that I announced to the court on the record two years ago,” said Deputy District Attorney Jonathan Hatami.
The Anthony Avalos case is the second high-profile case in which the assigned prosecutors have publicly objected to the death penalty being dropped as a potential punishment. Deputy District Attorney Garrett Dameron said that he and fellow prosecutor Geoff Lewin had been “ordered to remove the death penalty as punishment consideration” in the case of Michael Christopher Mejia, who is awaiting trial on charges stemming from the 2017 killings of Whittier Police Officer Keith Boyer and Mejia’s own cousin.
D.A. Gascon’s dangerous directives
damaging directives and very public pro-criminal platform has inspired pro-victims rights and pro-law-enforcement groups to join forces launching a recall against D.A. Gascon. Official petitions are expected to be circulated in the next couple of weeks.

The following Cities have placed “No Confidence” resolutions in Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon for meetings the week of May 17th.
Votes will take place on Monday 5/17 in Azusa, and on Tuesday 5/18 in Arcadia, Diamond Bar and Manhattan Beach.
It is critical the People turn out to support their City Council’s to vote No Confidence in D.A. Gascon’s dangerous directives and fight for the rights of victims and public safety.
Each city is inviting the public to participate during public comment; even if you don’t live in that city. It is that important to the future of public safety in L.A. County.
Here is how you can speak in support of “No Confidence” in George Gascon resolutions next week:
AZUSA – MONDAY 5/17: To make a comment in support of the “No Confidence” resolution during the 7:30 P.M. council meeting call (669) 900-6833 – meeting ID # 964-4491-3395 – between 6:30 P.M. – 7:30 P.M. **No calls will be accepted after 7:30 P.M. You will be placed in a waiting room up until your turn to speak.**
Please also submit a written comment by emailing 250 words or less to PublicComment@azusaca.gov by 5:30pm on Monday. Emailed public comments will be provided to the City Council and will be part of the record but will not be read aloud during the meeting.
View the agenda and resolution here: https://www.ci.azusa.ca.us/ArchiveCenter/ViewFile/Item/5363
ARCADIA – TUESDAY 5/18: To comment for the 6 P.M. meeting via the website use the online public comment form at ArcadiaCA.gov/comment at least 30 minutes prior to the posted meeting time. Your comments should be 300 words or less.
You may also submit your comments via email to cityclerk@ArcadiaCA.gov. Make sure that it is received at least 30 minutes prior to the posted meeting time. Your email must be 300 words or less.
To call into the meeting, a conference line has been established for public comment. Your call will be recognized in the order it was received. Please keep your phone on MUTE until you are recognized for public comment. Conference Line: (669) 224-3412 Access Code: 604-838-893#
View the agenda and resolution here: http://laserfiche.ci.arcadia.ca.us/WebLink/0/edoc/818087/Agenda – May 18, 2021.pdf
DIAMOND BAR – TUESDAY 5/18: Members of the public may provide public comment by sending written comments to the City Clerk by email at cityclerk@DiamondBarCA.govby 5:30 p.m. on the day of the meeting. Please indicate in the Subject Line “FOR PUBLIC COMMENT.” Written comments will be distributed to the Council Members and read into the record at the meeting, up to a maximum of five minutes.
Alternatively, public comment may be submitted by logging onto the meeting through this link: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/3887335869587854349. Members of the public will be called upon one at a time during the Public Comment portion of the agenda. Speakers are limited to five minutes per agenda item, unless the Mayor determines otherwise.
View the agenda and resolution here: http://diamondbarca.iqm2.com/Citizens/FileOpen.aspx?Type=14&ID=1599&Inline=True
MANHATTAN BEACH – TUESDAY 5/18: The City Council encourages the public to participate by submitting comments in advance of the meeting, no later than 5:30 PM, on the day of the meeting. All of your comments provided by the deadlines above will be available to the City Council and the public prior to the meeting. 3 MINUTES PER PERSON
An eComment can be made at: http://www.citymb.info/ecomment
Comments can be emailed to cityclerk@citymb.info
You can record a message at (310) 802-5030.
You may participate by joining Zoom during the meeting.
If you wish to speak on any item on the agenda, please register in advance at https://citymb.seamlessdocs.com/f/publiccomment
Direct URL: https://citymb-info.zoom.us/j/93376200363, Meeting ID: 933-7620-0363
During the meeting you will need to use the “raise hand” button through Zoom at the time the Mayor invites the public to provide comments.
To join Zoom Meeting via Phone Conference (Voice Only): Call: (669) 900-6833, Meeting ID: 933 7620 0363. During the meeting you will need to enter *9 on the phone’s dial pad at the time the Mayor invites the public to provide comments.
View the agenda and resolution here: https://manhattanbeach.granicus.com/DocumentViewer.php?file=manhattanbeach_de612f52819af6609fdfeb6e5c062434.pdf&view=1
SAN GABRIEL – TUESDAY 5/18 Please email all public comments to mailto:cityclerk@sgch.org and in the subject please include the section (Public Comment, Consent, Public Hearing, Continued Business or New Business) and Item Number you are commenting on.
Email Subject Example: PUBLIC COMMENT: New Business A. Consideration of Resolution No. 21-19 George Gascon.
The Clerk will read public comments into the record for up to the three-minute limit.
View the agenda and resolution here: https://www.sangabrielcity.com/AgendaCenter/ViewFile/Agenda/524?html=true
SANTA FE SPRINGS – TUESDAY 5/18 You may attend the City Council meeting via Zoom.us by clicking on “Join A Meeting” or use the following link:
Zoom Meeting ID: 521620472 Password: 659847
You pay participate by calling 888-475-4499 Meeting ID: 521620472
You may submit public comments in writing by sending them to the City Clerk at cityclerk@santafesprings.org.
If you attend the meeting by telephone, you must submit a public comment in writing to be heard. To ensure that they are received for the meeting, please submit your written comments prior to 12:00 p.m. on the day of the City Council meeting. You may also contact the City Clerk’s Office at (562) 868-0511 ext. 7314.
View the agenda and resolution here: https://www.santafesprings.org/civicax/filebank/blobdload.aspx?blobid=15315
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