
Second Soros DA Recall in Bay Area Headed for Ballot, Heated LA DA Election to Decide Gascon’s Fate

Bay Area citizens were successful a second time in the last two years securing enough signatures to recall a second Soros-backed DA after soaring crime has significantly impacted public safety in Oakland-Alameda County.

“Today the committee behind the effort to recall Alameda County DA Pamela Price submitted way beyond the required number of signatures to trigger a recall. We now wait for county officials to report the number of valid signatures. Of course, Price supporters lie about her record.” said Richie Greenberg, a San Francisco based political commentator and former candidate for Mayor.

Greenberg was the founder of and driving media force behind the effort to successfully recall San Francisco district attorney Chesa Boudin on June 7th, 2022.

Recall organizers collected over 123,000 signatures to be verified by the Alameda County Registrar’s office. The group needs 73,500 verified signatures to hold a special election as soon, which if the verified signature reaches that threshold, could be as early May.

The Alameda County Board of Supervisors approved the public vote on the recall last November.

“I have never said it before but I am saying it today – we are going to win,” said Brenda Grisham, one of the recall effort leaders. at a press conference outside the Alameda County registrar’s office Monday “We shouldn’t have to do this, but for the safety of our community, the safety of our children, the safety of our businesses, this is something that had to be done. This is a right for the citizens of Alameda County”.

Save Alameda For Everyone (SAFE), the group behnd the Price recall, refers to themselves a broad coalition of Alameda County residents, business owners, victims, victims’ families, and concerned citizens who have come together in the face of rising crime and what it says is a “failure by DA Price to hold perpetrators accountable.”

“DA Price is jeopardizing the safety of every resident and business in Alameda County, by failing to enforce the law, prosecute criminals, and keep violent offenders off our streets,” the group said.

According to reports, the group has raised a little over $2 million to secure the necessary amount of signatures.


The Bay Area recall efforts are a prime example of motivated citizens spearheading grass roots efforts and achieving success in removing politicians from office – in start contrast of the money grab and incompetence by political consultants involved in two failed recall efforts after raising over $8 million dollars to remove George Gascon as L.A. D.A.

The first recall stopped abruptly in 2021 shortly before the first deadline to turn in signatures to re-structure amid an inner power struggle.

Political fundraiser Cassandra Vandenberg, who was involved in the first effort, took control over the second recall, and according to sources both close and working within both recalls, was the highest paid raking in nearly $2 million dollars for her failed efforts.

A representative for the recall contacted The Current Report stating that Vandenberg made only $300,000 and was not in charge of the recall. However, sources state otherwise and a lawsuit was filed against the recall naming Cassandra Vandenberg and her husband personally in the suit.

Based on the in-depth report by Red State Managing Editor Jennifer Van Laar, who was in contact with a whistleblower within the recall campaign:

“The Recall George Gascón effort failed because the committee’s purse strings were controlled by political consultants who were being paid by the campaign, and who contracted with vendors on the basis of cronyism or financial gain instead of competency. Despite the vast sums of money raised and spent, the quality of the signatures submitted to LA County was “embarrassingly incompetent,” in the words of one former professional who viewed some of the materials provided to RedState.

In addition, campaign insiders say a duplicate check was not performed prior to submitting petitions to the county, and that the numbers provided to the press and donors included these signatures that organizers knew would be disqualified.”

Voters were left with having to endure another two years of catastrophic crime under D.A. Gascon because of the power hungry political consultants and their inability to secure more than enough signatures despite having four times the amount it took to secure the Newsom recall – which was a state wide effort – as well as the two Bay area recalls.

Former L.A. District Attorney Steve Cooley, a key figure in the two doomed Gascon recall efforts, publicly put his support behind L.A. D.A. candidate Nathan Hochman last spring when the announcement was made he would be running against Gascon.

Hochman changed his party affiliation to Independent this election after losing the 2022 CA. Attorney General election to Rob Bonta running as a Republican.

Mike Netter, who helped spearhead the effort to recall Gavin Newsom, the largest volunteer effort in U.S. History, successful in getting the Newsom recall to ballot, raised less than a third than both doomed Gascon efforts, had this to say about Nathan Hochman’s announcement for running for L.A. District Attorney:

“It seems rather bizarre that Nathan Hochman would abandon the Republican Party which endorsed him last election to align himself with those that have run two failed recall campaigns. I question the motivation of a man running for DA with experience only in white collar crime working with those who may be accused of white collar crimes themselves. Los Angeles needs a look of less corruption, not more. People have lost faith in both their city and county government, including the district attorney. Nathan Hochman just lost substantially in the LA vote for Attorney General. Is he running for the people of LA or just trying to create another fundraising machine to dilute others getting elected?”

Hochman has raised the most money in District Attorney, over $2 million dollars, however, in the only independent poll by USC/Dornsife, came in third place at 4%.

Gascon’s top contender Jonathan Hatami came in at 8%.

A jaw dropping 64% undecided and 52% were unhappy with the job Gascon’s criminal sympathezing directives that have created skyrocketing crime in L.A. County.

Voters head to the polls today, March 5th.

The Current Report Editor in Chief Cece Woods started The Local Malibu, an activism based platform in 2014. The publication was instrumental in the success of pro-preservation ballot measures and seating five top vote-getters in the Malibu City Council elections.

During the summer of 2018, Woods exposed the two-year law enforcement cover-up in the Malibu Creek State Park Shootings, and a few short months later provided the most comprehensive local news coverage during the Woolsey Fire attracting over one million hits across her social media platforms.

Since 2020, Woods was the only journalist reporting on the on-going public corruption involving former L.A. Metro CEO Phil Washington. Woods worked with Political Corruption expert Adam Loew, DC Watchdog organizations and leaders in the Capitol exposing Washington which ultimately led to the withdrawal of his nomination to head the FAA.

Woods also founded Malibu based 90265 Magazine and Cali Mag devoted to the authentic southern California lifestyle.

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