“It would be impossible for me to be insubordinate, in that I am not subordinate to you.”
Sheriff Sherman Block responding to LA County Supervisor Gloria Molina, when she cautioned him in an open meeting that he was being “insubordinate.”
Anyone who has not been living on a desert island will have noticed the sea change of events that have unfolded since the elections this past November. Without getting into the national political scene, the good people of California seem to have finally awakened from their long slumber and announced to the world that they are hungry for change and were willing to put the power of their vote behind the sentiment.
First off, the people of California, sick and tired of the rampant crime, street takeovers, home invasion robberies, random killings, mob burglaries, countless drugged-out zombies roaming the streets, used hypodermic syringes in kid’s playgrounds, along with a litany of other signs of social decay, voted overwhelmingly to pass Proposition 36. The proposition will amend and correct several fatal flaws that were present in its predecessor, Proposition 47, which had basically given a green light to criminals to do pretty much what they wanted without fear of suffering the consequences. The statewide vote for Proposition 36 was nearly 70% in favor!
Secondly, the voters in LA County signaled that they too were simply fed up with all of the madness that has been going on for the past four years and resoundingly kicked our recently unemployed DA, George Gascon, to the curb. Gascon, who is a self-identified uber-progressive liberal, only managed to garner a piddly 30% of the vote. Hasta luego, Mister Gascon. You will not be missed.
With all of these positive signs taking place, you would think that our elected officials would be taking notice of how the political landscape is undergoing such dramatic changes. Sadly, this does not appear to be the case in San Diego County, where the Board of Supervisors recently passed a resolution that forbids any San Diego law enforcement agency from cooperating with Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) in rounding up violent, criminal aliens.
It appears that when the voters announced they wanted a return to law an order and would not put up with any efforts to the contrary, the San Diego BOS simply replied, “Hold my beer.”
Fortunately for San Diego County, they have an elected law enforcement professional who refuses to play politics with the safety of their residents. Not one to mince words, Sheriff Kelly Martinez released a press statement which reads:
“The sheriff’s office will not change its practices based on the board resolution and policy that was passed at today’s meeting. The board of supervisors does not set policy for the sheriff’s office. The sheriff, as an independently elected official, sets the policy for the sheriff’s office.”
Finally! A sheriff with backbone! Our local sheriff could stand a lesson or two from Sheriff Martinez. What a concept! Refusing to play politics and bend the knee to local government hacks who ignore the rule of law and pander to left-wing activists.
Maybe there is hope? Maybe we can finally make crime illegal again!
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