That low rumbling sound you may have been hearing recently is the freight train that is slowly rumbling towards the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department. This past Thursday, March 28th, all members
A surprising endorsement was posted on Twitter as former LA County Sheriff Alex Villanueva announced Presidential candidate Robert Kennedy Jr’s support (presumably) for his run for LA County Supervisor. Presidential candidate Robert
On January 31st, just days before voters receive their ballots in the mail for the March primary, the LA times published an article announcing a decision by the County to issue a
You gotta hand it to Los Angeles County Sheriff Alex Villanueva. The man has some Mad-Max forward-thinking skills. Back on July 21st, based on the decisions made by our county leaders, Sheriff
While the country continues to watch the election drama unfold, President-Elect Biden and VP-Elect Kamala Harris continue moving forward with the transition to a new administration despite the monumental roadblocks strategically placed
During a live virtual Board of Supervisors’ (BOS) meeting held on Tuesday, April 28, 2020, Sheriff Alex Villanueva addressed the BOS motion regarding the partial release of $143.7M in appropriated funds that
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