The LA County Health Department ordered all county beaches, beach bike paths, trails, and beach access points until April 19th. The strict safety precautions were necessary after visitors flocked to area beaches and trails
City of Malibu Public Works is setting up NO PARKING signs along PCH at popular beach spots. Lost Hills deputies is assisting Public Works for safety and security. The NO PARKING
Barely 48 hours after Governor Newsome announced new state mandates to combat the spread of the Coved-19 virus, it seems the “Safer at Home” protective measure set forth by lawmakers has not
The “Safer at Home” protective measures set forth by the County yesterday to combat the spread of the COVID-19 virus went into effect immediately and include the closure of non-essential retail businesses.
The Coronavirus pandemic has led to changes in the way local businesses are operating. L.A. County is expected to announce mandatory closure of non-essential retail businesses to close within the next 24
Malibu City Council ordered the following “protective measures” in place effective immediately, and until further notice, during the Coronavirus pandemic. March 16, 2020 4:29 PM UPDATE 3/16, 4PM – Malibu & LA
By Paul Taublieb The erstwhile city of Malibu just released a statement which begins with “(our) number one priority is ensuring the public safety of the community.” Now, of course, this was
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