Dear Readers, Friends and Foes,
I know all of you are waiting for details re: Tuesday’s extravaganza by law enforcement, and want to know about all the helicopter fly-bys and such…
I do have a story in the works, but it’s best to put the breaks on it because I am feeling an arrest coming sooooooon.
It would be silly for me to rush this story, because as we all know, Election Day is November 6th, and the smell of closing cases are in the air!
LASD wants excellent arrest records on the books before voters head to the polls… Hence, the amazing display we saw on Tuesday, including the appearance of the SWAT team and all (by “all”, I mean NBC, who boasted on air Tuesday “In a story you will only see here on NBC”)!

So… watch this space, because once this “arrest” happens, I will finish the story…
But only after NBC’s Eric Leonard uploads his story first and forwards me the link like he did on Tuesday night. Leonard was kind enough to give me “insight” on what happened, even though we have never met, do not follow each other on social, or have had any contact whatsoever…
… then we can put this chapter to bed… for now.

But know this, I do not believe for one minute that if they do make an arrest, that it’s THE guy who killed Beaudette.
Just my two cents.
THAT GUY, most likely the same guy who has successfully eluded police for at least TWO YEARS, is a lot smarter than that.
The last thing he would do is walk into the middle of a shit storm, knowing cops are close by, and continue to hit up the same area for food, multiple times, assuming, if not KNOWING, there are cameras potentially on every property – especially after recent events.
And I seriously doubt he would be “inexperienced” enough to carry a rifle (aka his signature, identifying him for these crimes) to his alleged “refueling” spots.
If it is a survivalist type, as the mainstream media is pushing, he doesn’t need to enter a residential/commercial area to eat. A survivalist knows how to “survive” in the wilderness…
Stay tuned… I have a feeling this week is going to be memorable!
Most importantly, STAY SAFE. Do not have a false sense of security because an “arrest” was made.
I got your back.
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