News - Page 29


 “Small mistakes, the lack of care, little accidents, and somewhere a tipping point is passed, and things go badly wrong.” – Alan S. Kesselheim Recently, I heard someone voice the opinion that the Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department had “dropped

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Malibu Becomes A Sanctuary City

City Council passes the ‘symbolic’ gesture with a 3-2 vote sending shock waves through the community by passing a national issue with- out feeling the pulse of the people. March 13th, 2017, will


The Malibu Memorial Park Pushes Forward

The environmentally friendly Malibu Memorial Park project pushes forward in spite of (false) reports of a “fatal blow”. On Feb. 27th, The Malibu Times reported that the Malibu Memorial Park Project “may


Bluffs Park: Battle Royale

By Cece Woods The deceptions by pro development politicians and what their political power base,   (the PARENTS), doesn’t know. Malibu’s fight for the preservation of open space reached a fever pitch


Malibu Is ANEW!

  As we welcome in a new year, we look back to a historical local election and look forward to the rst of cial City Council meeting with a pro-preservation majority. The

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