August 30th was the first candidates forum for Malibu City Council at the Red Ladder Gallery in Cross Creek…and red flags were waving from the get-go.
Given how vocal this editor in chief is in the community, I expected a few uncomfortable interactions – but, call me naive, I most certainly didn’t expect them from the women candidates running for the two vacant seats on Council.
Out of the gate, I was hit with an obvious, over-the-top (negative) vibe thrown at me from the first woman candidate to arrive. This is someone I never met before personally, so can you imagine my surprise when she didn’t even bother to hide it? Noted.
The other woman candidate, someone who actually knows me personally, not to mention has taken a walk on the beach with me in the past, acted like she never met me. I can’t say I didn’t fully expect that reaction – I mean, all you have to do is look at her endorsement list. Pro Development and Pro City shenanigans. Pro everything that is NOT right for Malibu. Again, noted.
However, I at least expected both of them to fake it – at least for publicity’s sake. If you are going to play the politics game, you want your message out there to everyone. You don’t discriminate.
What these interactions did show me is, these candidates are NOT women who support women.
They are not even saavy enough to “play the game” for gender’s sake.
I say that to those of you who are supporting “women” cadidates because of their gender.
Personally, I don’t support anyone because of their gender. I support candidates for what they stand for. It makes it easier to cut through the bullsh*t.
These women not only dismissed me as a member of the “women tribe”, it was almost as if they were unaware of the trust and following I have built in this community and the people who believe in my publication, and the public service I provide for residents – unpaid no less.
These candidates also ignored the fact that this publication broke a global story recently, and that our online and media presence has expanded dramatically. Given the opportunity to have your platform featured in our publication would part of a local politician’s strategy one would think, especially with all the attention we’re getting for our reporting.
It’s unfortunate that these women candidates honestly think that just because they are females, they have the momentum and the myopic bubble they exist in is good enough to guarantee them a seat on council.
If I were a betting girl, I wouldn’t play those odds in Vegas, because based on the results of the last election, that’s a big lose-lose.
Unless there is a major turn-around, which seems unlikely, the women candidates for now, are out of touch with a good portion of residents and what the majority of this community needs. As a dedicated public servant, I believe their platforms say one thing, but their actions say quite the opposite
Women know women.
– Cece Woods, Editor in Chief, Founder, The Local Malibu
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